Observian, an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner, announced today that it has achieved Amazon Web Services (AWS) Level 1 Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) Competency status. This designation recognizes that Observian has successfully met AWS’s requirements for a baseline of managed security services to protect and monitor essential AWS resources 24/7, known as Level 1 Managed Security Services. This new baseline standard of quality for managed security services was introduced by AWS to benefit cloud environments of any size and it spans six security domains: vulnerability management, cloud security best practices and compliance, threat detection and response, network security, host and endpoint security, and application security. The six domains contain multiple MSSP services, each with technical skillset and operational process requirements specific to AWS.
Observian Achieves AWS Level 1 MSSP Competency Status
Tags: AWS, Security, Managed Security, MSSP
Cognito Vulnerability Detection Tool Demo with Lacework
Lessons Learned When Moving to AWS with Justin Donohoo
Install the AWS CodeDeploy service with CloudFormation
When creating an AWS EC2 instance, there is a User Data section where you can include scripts that will be run immediately upon instance creation. I was attempting to use AWS CloudFormation to define the infrastructure of my current project and ran into the issue of how to include the User Data section in the CloudFormation JSON definition.
Tags: AWS, CloudFormation, DevOps
Docker Deployment
DevOps is harder than it sounds
If you're like me, when you learned about containers, you got SUPER excited. There is something about wrapping up your code in a nice little package where it has everything it needs to run in a happy little space where it's nice and warm. BUT; how'm I supposed to get my happy warm little container out into the real world where it can actually do some good? This is harder question to answer.
A CloudFormation script to get a docker instance of pi-hole running in your AWS account
What is pi-hole?
Tags: AWS, CloudFormation, Docker
Iterate on CloudFormation Development with CodePipeline
Infrastructure as code is amazing. The fact that we can build entire environments using CODE is nothing short of miraculous. But tell me if this has ever happened to you:
Tags: AWS, CloudFormation, DevOps